That is me playing the stringed bass and piano above . I added Len Cohen and myself below as well as a version of "Wind" with piano , bass , with my vocal from 2019 . The original 1967 recording is on the Circus Maximus page . All of the paintings , computer composites , photos of my acrylic works , were produced as slides by me.

Akhenaten and the collection once shared here are gone with those old hard drives and the on line storage sites . Akh is a fascinating historical character , Tut's father , the Pharaoh that invented the first monotheist theocracy which lasted seven years .  This was an aberration to what was once a tolerant Egypt with many temples which were looted and closed through half of Akh's reign .  Maybe I will get to more ... I don't know , the day is young but my time on earth is getting short. Ho ho ho.. 

Bruno Organs from Robert M Bruno

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