This link is from one of my earlier photo programs where I didn't change the basic photos of the paintings too much so some of the shots might seem simpler than my more recent works online. Some of the colors and names were changed to protect the innocent . No animals were hurt in the production of this slide show.  .

Z EZ Collection 

The above "Z Easy Collection" in orange is a link to composites and paintings from an old storage folder of individual photo files . Below is "No Music",perhaps to view while listening to some of the Soundclick tunes.  

Below is a recording Leonard Cohen (dr) and myself (org) from around 2000. I am glad we took time to record some of our empathy of 45 years playing together . Len split the planet in March of 2003 . I often think of him . This tribute song to Coltrane is also a tribute to Lenny.


Bruno Organs from Robert M Bruno

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